Searching Somewhere Out There
"Searching somewhere out there"
Oil on panel
I started this piece a few weeks ago and am finally finished. I'm extremely proud of this one and it's been a while since I last was disciplined enough to sit down and build up a portrait like this. I also don't do very many portraits of girls, I feel I've avoided it because I suck at it, and by doing it I hope to get comfortable. .i
I started the piece with a palette knife and took over with the brush for the face. Something that also helped me combine the two styles was picking up some "galkyd lite" . Incredible stuff.
After mixing it little by little with linseed oil, I was able to find a good transparency and flow, it slowed the paint down but gave me more control in the brush strokes. It's almost like using colored pencils at a certain point but you can increase the flow by mixing up the ratio. This is the first one using that galkyd.